Know your crystals!

Know your crystals!

We all love a bit of ‘alternative medicine’ – especially when it’s simple, cheap and easy to do at home.

Welcome to the world of crystals/gemstones!

There are HUNDREDS of different stones with different properties to help with a whole range of health problems from your mind, down to your toes. Here’s just a handful that we stock, broken down for you.


Rose Quartz

rose quartzProbably one of the most well-known stones, and for good reason. Rose Quartz is considered an excellent all-round healing stone, commonly used by those wishing to find inner peace, a calmer mind, more loving nature and a more forgiving outlook. Health-wise, Rose Quartz is said to be one of the best stones used in the treatment of migraines and headaches, as well as promoting fertility. It is also a great stone for those recovering from emotional/physical trauma and to help bring inner peace and self-love in its place.



amethystIs considered to be a very good spiritual stone, used for healing and meditation as it works wonders soothing and calming the mind. In a physical sense, Amethyst is said to bring harmony to the body’s organs and stimulate the immune system – making it a fantastic stone to use alongside other healing stones to alleviate/treat a number of health problems. It’s even said that keeping Amethyst under your pillow at night can help against insomnia! Many stone-users recommend keeping an Amethyst cluster in your home, because of its energising and cleansing properties.



sunstoneSaid to be a very joyful, light and inspiring stone, which has the ability to clear all chakras. Sunstone is especially good for those with poor mental health, as it has extremely effective anti-depressant properties, enabling the wearer to nurture their self, be more optimistic and empowered. Sunstone is also useful for those with trouble saying ‘no’ and/or letting go and cutting ties with toxic people in their life; such as possessive lovers or parents and helping the wearer become more liberated and independent. Sunstone is said to be the wearer’s “light in the dark”, letting them see the brighter side of situations and also being very effective against seasonal affective disorder. Being a very personal stone, it is said that the best results come from wearing the stone or having it on your person in everyday life.


Smoky Quartz

smoky quartz

A very powerful cleansing & detoxifying crystal said to be immensely efficient at balancing energies and making the user feel more grounded, both spiritually and personally. Smoky Quartz is a popular stone for purifying areas where electromagnetic radiation may be affecting you – such as workspaces, offices or studies. When used for healing, this crystal can amplify the healing properties of other stones and create stronger energy. When used in meditation, Smoky Quartz acts in place of therapy, as it’s grounding properties help to release feelings of anger, regret, jealousy and painful memories from the past. Smoky Quartz is associated with the higher crown chakra and works as the spiritual satellite that keeps us anchored to the earth while keeping our hearts and minds open to the celestial world.


Snow Quartz

snow quartzIs a great all-around stone to use alongside others in everyday life. It’s particularly useful in supporting the wearer/user whilst learning lessons. It’s also said to be useful for those who lack tact and need to ‘think before they speak’. Snow Quartz brings clarity to many aspects of your life, making it a useful stone for those wishing to let go of overwhelming responsibilities and/or overcome victimhood. Whilst Snow Quartz doesn’t offer as wide of a range of perks as other stones, it is always useful when combined with other stones which have similar properties.



howliteConsidered one of the best calming stones, most of Howlite’s qualities aid the mind, emotionally and psychologically. Perfect for use in meditation, Howlite helps to calm the mind, teaches patience and stills erratic thoughts. It can also help calm turbulent emotions and when kept in a pocket or on your person, it’ll absorb the wearer’s anger and also any anger directed to the wearer. Put Howlite under your pillow at night to fight insomnia – especially if caused by an overactive mind. Further Howlite qualities include; strengthening memory, stimulates a desire for knowledge and also helps one to let go of the past and eliminate present-day triggers.



magnesiteA very loving stone, Magnesite’s healing properties revolve around the mind and soul, promoting positive energies. Perfect for those with low self-esteem in need of confidence and reassurance. It helps to bring all forms of self-deceit to the surface, helping overcome feelings of doubt regarding oneself – basically giving the user/wearer a more positive outlook on life, situations and relationships. Where love is concerned, be it a partner, family member or friend, Magnesite promotes unconditional love, making difficult relationships easier and more tolerable. On the flip side, Magnesite can also aid egotistical people by bringing them and their feelings back down to Earth and teach better listening and understanding of others. Those who’re anxious and/or fearful can wear Magnesite for it’s calming properties and help overcome obstacles. Health-wise, Magnesite is said to prevent epilepsy, thanks to its muscle relaxant properties – which also works for menstrual and gastric cramps! It’s also said to detoxify and neutralise body odour.


Agate (Tree & Moss):

tree agateAgate stones, like Quartz, have generic properties underlying – however, each particular Agate stone (tree & moss, for example) have additional qualities.

Agate itself is considered a very stable crystal which brings great strength but works slowly. Soothing and calming to the mind and body, Agate is used in meditation alongside other stones. It can dissolve inner tension and anger, encourage truth, overcome bitterness of the heart and bring greater awareness to the wearer/user. Agate stones gently facilitate acceptance of ones-self, promoting self-love and acceptance. It can also improve concentration and aid self-awareness.

moss agate

Moss Agate, for example, is a very optimistic stone commonly used to fight depression, by bringing light to the cause/roots of the problem. Similarly, it can boost the immune system, speed up recovery from illness and even help fight against cold & flu! When the stone is placed on a problem area, Moss Agate acts as an anti-inflammatory and can also lower fevers.



Jasper (Red):

jasperJasper is the main stone used by many to align the chakras – each colour of Jasper is appointed to a specific chakra (heart, throat, etc). This provides balance, calm and protection for the user/wearer. Red Jasper, like some other stones, absorbs negative energies from the wearer and those directing negativity to the wearer – the perfect stone to use at times of stress. Jasper can also clear electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation! It has also been said to prolong sexual pleasure and stimulate the imagination. Health-wise, Jasper supports the user/wearer during prolonged illnesses and hospitalisation by re-energising the body.


Yellow Jasper:

yellow jasper

Yellow Jasper was historically revered as a talisman of protection. Similarly to Red Jasper, this stone is effective for deflecting jealousy and acts as a shield against negativity. Wearing this stone can build self-confidence and gradually expel personal worries and self-consciousness. Physically, Yellow Jasper is said to help chronic digestion and stomach problems – whilst worn or used to create an elixir. All Jaspers connect to the Earth and may be placed on the Base Chakra to stabilize and energize the physical body – Yellow Jasper, in particular, is ideal for activating the Solar Plexus Chakra.